

1610 March 1st, the god Yawata no Kami and a woman by the name of Mio got together for a night of passionate love making. The result of the night would result in two children: the son Izanagi and the daughter Yui. The two children were thought to be good luck charms that were meant to bring the small village out of a horrible depression. The village's suspicions were soon verified when crops came out perfect, trade was opened with neighboring villages, and slowly the village grew in size and population. However that all changed when the twins turned five.

At this point the village had grown into a relatively large town, and the annual celebration of the birth of the twins came. Lights, decorations, and food were prepared during the wee hours of the morning and by the afternoon everything was ready. Out from the confines of their home the twins came out to greet the other citizens.

Izanagi was a young boy with jet black hair nicely put up in a knot, bright curious hazel eyes looked upon everyone with equal curiosity. At this young age Izanagi was considered a rather physically weak individual, but he had a intellect that rivaled even the gods up in the heavens.

Yui had grown into a young girl with a blazing blond tint of hair with green eyes which reflected the wonders of the open world. Though she may not have been the smartest of the girls she was indeed the strongest, even matching with some of the adults in the town with her monstrous strength.

The twins however connected were indeed polar opposites in more ways than one.

The day was going so well, Izanagi was talking with all his friends and even his love interest. Yui was playing with the other adults in children in games which required strength. Then suddenly the sky grew dim as dark clouds began to appear to cast the darkness upon the town. Almost immediately when this began to occur they suffered massive headaches, not just any headaches but ones which brought them to their knees. Thunder rolled across the darkened skies like meteors soaring across the sky. The seemingly endless torrent of deep resounding booms and the shaking of the earth came a booming voice which spoke with such intense authority:

" I brought these children to the world to bless it, but now I see that they must be used as a punishment. From this day onward this town will experience nothing but sorrow. MY children will take their role as my descendants. "

Once the voice ceased to speak two large thunderbolts came down from the sky and struck the twins. A surge of energy overtook both of them and this wave of power changed them. Izanagi was aged to the prime age of 25, his hair and eyes changed into a maddening blood red, his weak physique grew into that of a beast which stood at a insane 9ft tall, and lastly his immense knowledge was stolen from him which reduced him to a feral man.

Yui was also progressed to the same age as her brother but her other changes were different. Her amazing strength was taken from her, her hair and eyes turned into a deep cold shade of blue, her body took on a entirely feminine voluptuous shape, and lastly she gained knowledge that could only be compared to divinity.

The twins remained to be opposites, but it would seem that fate wished to play a joke and switch their traits. However this ' joke ' took on a more serious tone when immediately following their changes they began to slaughter every single person within the town limits. Izanagi tore people apart with his hands and devoured their body with no discrimination of body parts, and Yui erased people from the physical world with magic she had acquired. No one was spared from their massacre. The casualties went all the way up to 12,356 citizens, 15,000 soldiers, and 200 government officials.

At the end of the slaughter the two regained their humanity, and wept. It took the two a whole month to have a funeral for each individual soul that they took. Over and over again they had to bury someone that they knew they killed. After everything was done the twins took a week to judge themselves in privacy, but eventually the two came together to speak again.

Yui was the first to speak out of the two.

" Father demands that we fight. "

Izanagi could only nod his head once in acknowledgment. It was now that he knew no words to speak or to write or read. Without another word exchanged the two did battle.

The ground was torn apart with their monstrous strength. The world shook with violence, the clouds parted so the heavens could witness, and the seas parted when their fight brought them to it. Rumors have it that the world was destroyed and recreated ( By the gods ) 10-15 times with just Izanagi's strength alone. At the end of it all Yui was the one who stood on top of Izanagi

According to his father Yui left immediately without another word. Later that day Izanagi seemingly revived himself from the dead. However what had happen was the ability of one of the two gifts given to him by his father. Izanagi was given instructions from his father that went as such:

" Train, fight, kill, and find your sister. "

Ever since then he has been on this journey to find his twin.

War's Ruin: The Persistent Blade

This is the 30ft blade that his father had given him. The blade itself is made of the physical manifestation of the wielder's desires. So long as the wielder has any desire or dream the blade will never break.

The blade itself weighs about 1 Quintillion tons whenever the wielder isn't forcing the weight to be lighter.

War's Salvation: The Protective Slave

This is the second gift bestowed upon Izanagi after his father had left him with the single objective. The armor itself weighs as much as War's Ruin at the moment of usage, and the armor shares the same indestructible properties as the mentioned weapon. It also has the ability to absorb any and all energy or magic based attacks which is stored within the armor, and it also allows for the user to emit a outward explosion of all the built up energy.

The amount of energy stored within the armor can change the appearance of it. When the amount of energy equals that of the Big Bang the armor takes on the appearance of a brilliant gold suit of armor. When all energy is used up it will revert to appearing as animal skin.

The armor also is Izangai's form of regeneration. The armor has the ability to completely cover his destroyed body and use the immense power within the armor ( If available ) to melt his body in the wounded areas together, or completely melt his body and reform it from even a single molecule.

Destructive Capabilities: Planetary , galaxy , universal, Outerversal

Speed: Hypersonic, Light, FTL ( + ), Irrelevant

Durability: Planetary, galaxy, universal, Outerversal

Stamina: Limitless

Intelligence: Dumbass, unkown


He has a unnatural tolerance for women ( Specifically ill intentions ). This is most likely due to his past relationship with Ahmya.